Wake the Gods - Jan 2024 Update - First Draft 57%
PHASE first draft
PROGRESS 57% complete
WORD COUNT 135,796
I've been sitting on a writing project for the past eight years - working title: Wake the Gods - but the time wasn't right for me to make it happen. This gave the project time to percolate and evolve, and I've come to be grateful for giving it the space it needed.
I picked it up again in March of 2023, saw clearly where I wanted to take it. I received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the first several chapters (as well as some pointed and very useful critiques.)
This year I am going to finish the first draft.
The story follows Shirafa, a traumatized princess from the desert city of Nabenas, as she desperately looks for a way to save her beloved city from being destroyed in the crossfire between two warring empires. Her fate brings a magician, a treasure hunter, an assassin, and a warrior with no home into her council. Together they must learn to trust one another and conquer their demons, or watch everything they cherish fade away.
It is a high fantasy epic set in the desert land of Mahadria, with ancient Egyptian flavoring, mystical creatures, elemental magic, and a series of secrets and revelations that will upend the lives of Shirafa and her friends.
I am eager to finish the story and be one step closer to sharing it with the world!
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